The case of kidnapped Iranian nuclear researcher by the CIA ( with Saudi help ) is a clear sign of U.S desperation and lack of intel in regard to Iran`s nuclear program !
After years of hypocrisy , double standards and sanctions against Iran , the Zionist puppets in Washington are running out of ideas on how to undermine Iran`s peaceful nuclear program. Iran has signalled that it wont give up its right to develop an independent nuclear program under NPT rules , but nevertheless the Washington puppets are still with the idea of undermining the program by random kidnappings ( or even assassinations ) of scientists working at the Tehran University ! This tendency suggests that the CIA has no clue of who is or not working on Iran`s nuclear program , Mr. Amiri`s case is a good example of CIA lack of intel in regard to Iran`s nuclear program. The only thing that CIA might know is what all of us know , namely there are Russian and Chinese experts helping the Iranians develope their program.
Mr. Amiri was kidnapped while travelling to Mecca , then he was taken to U.S , where for months he was questioned ( and claimed to be tortured ) by the CIA. He was also offered millions of dollars to give an interview to a U.S news channel ( CNN ? ) , but he rightly refused to do such an immoral thing. At the end the CIA has no other choice but to release him and face an international humiliation for the kidnapping !